Friday, July 26, 2024

Where Can A Massage Therapist Work

How To Become A Massage Therapist About This Section

Massage therapists resume hands-on work with extra precautions

Massage therapists typically complete a postsecondary education program of 500 or more hours of study and experience, although standards and requirements vary greatly by state or other jurisdiction. Most states regulate massage therapy and require massage therapists to have a license or certification.

Employment Of Massage Therapists

Some of the projected employment growth in this occupation is due to recovery from the COVID-19 recession that began in 2020. Continued growth in the demand for massage services also will lead to new jobs for massage therapists.

As more people recognize massage therapy as a way to treat pain and to improve overall wellness, demand for massage therapists is expected to increase.

Similarly, demand will likely increase as more healthcare providers understand the benefits of massage and include these services in their treatment plans. However, in some healthcare settings demand will be tempered by limited insurance coverage for massage services.

In addition, many sports teams hire massage therapists to help their athletes recover from injuries and to relieve or manage pain, which should increase demand for these workers.

Employment projections data for Massage Therapists, 2020-30

Occupational Title

Provide Services In A Nursing Home

Through massage, therapists help the elderly cope with physical ailments that come with age. Massage may also help patients deal with any depression and anxiety they may be feeling. Often combined with aromatherapy, studies show massage therapy can be especially effective in maintaining mental wellness.

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What To Expect On The Job

Whatever type of work environment you pursue, most massage therapists report that they feel rewarded by their career. In a survey of nearly 1,200 licensed massage therapists, 88% of participants said they were either satisfied or very satisfied with their careers.

Youll enjoy this type of satisfaction if youre prepared for whats involved. Delivering massage therapy can require standing for long periods and repeatedly putting your body in awkward positions to apply a specific technique. Youll have to work to maintain your personal fitness to build physical strength and prevent on-the-job injuries. Youll also need to build stamina so you can provide the same level of professional attitude and communication to every client, from the first to the last.

Youll have to work to maintain your personal fitness to build physical strength and prevent on-the-job injuries.

Acareer as a massage therapist likely means working part-time, with hours thatcan vary based on client demand. Full-time for amassage therapist is technically less than 40 hours per week because of thenature of our job, says McNeil. In her experience, a busy massagetherapist typically has an average of 19 clients a week however, the AMTAsurvey reports that therapists treat an average of 46 clients a month.

Pros & Cons Of Being A Massage Therapist

4 Common Mistakes to Avoid in Your Massage Therapy Career
  • Flexible scheduling
  • Relatively cheap education costs compared to similar professions
  • Good mid-level salaries
  • High job satisfaction
  • Good potential for career growth
  • It takes time to get off the ground. Even if you are employed at a salon it takes time to build up a clientele and get regular sessions.
  • Irregular work schedules and periods of no work
  • If you are self-employed, finding clients requires a lot of effort on your part
  • You usually must pay for your own supplies in massage therapy school

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Employers That Recruited In The Last 2 Years

  • Strength Required Lift over 20 kg

Interest in analyzing information obtained from tests and health care professionals to develop treatment plans in providing courses of treatment for medical conditions, injuries and for maintenance of wellness and in maintaining records of patients’ treatments


Interest in assisting patients by providing treatment, prescribing remedial exercises and discussing follow-up care may work with other health care professionals when appropriate


Interest in operating equipment to administer treatments in conducting range of motion and muscle testing and in providing massage therapy to treat medical conditions and injuries

The interest code helps you figure out if youd like to work in a particular occupation. Its based on the Canadian Work Preference Inventory , which measures 5 occupational interests: Directive, Innovative, Methodical, Objective and Social.

Each set of 3 interest codes is listed in order of importance.

A code in capital letters means its a strong fit for the occupation.

A code in all lowercase letters means the fit is weaker.

Massage therapists may be trained in various massage techniques but, in general, they:

The work can be physically demanding. It requires standing for long periods of time. Hours of work depend on each work setting and therapist. Some massage therapists work evenings and weekends. Others work part time in several locations.

  • Strength Required Lift over 20 kg

Licenses Certifications And Registrations

In 2016, 45 states and the District of Columbia regulated massage therapy. Although not all states license massage therapy, they may have regulations at the local level.

In states with massage therapy regulations, workers must get a license or certification before practicing massage therapy. State regulations typically require graduation from an approved massage therapy program and passing an exam.

The exam may be a state-specific exam or the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination licensure exam, offered by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards.

Massage therapists also may need to pass a background check, have liability insurance, and be certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation . Many states require massage therapists to complete continuing education credits and to renew their license periodically. Those wishing to practice massage therapy should look into legal requirements for the state and locality in which they intend to practice.

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Is Massage Therapy For Erectile Dysfunction Effective

In the limited studies noted above, the long-term effects of prostatic massage have been promising.

After several weeks of treatment, many men in these studies experienced fewer issues with ED. The long-term benefits of this type of treatment arent known, though. The research is limited.

This type of treatment isnt thought to be harmful or dangerous. Your doctor may suggest you undergo periods of prostatic massage every few years to help ease your symptoms. If an underlying cause is found and treated, you may not need the massage after all.

Start Your Own Practice

How Massage Therapists can return to work with COVID infection controls (safely)

Opening a private practice allows you to have a better work and home life balance. By being your own boss, you have the flexibility and freedom to create your own schedule and build your own clientele. You dont necessarily need to rent out office space either. Massage therapists often travel to clients homes or to office buildings and provide massages there.

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Licenses Certifications And Registrations For Massage Therapists

In 2016, 45 states and the District of Columbia regulated massage therapy. Although not all states license massage therapy, they may have regulations at the local level.

In states with massage therapy regulations, workers must get a license or certification before practicing massage therapy. State regulations typically require graduation from an approved massage therapy program and passing an exam.

The exam may be a state-specific exam or the Massage and Bodywork Licensing Examination licensure exam, offered by the Federation of State Massage Therapy Boards.

Massage therapists also may need to pass a background check, have liability insurance, and be certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation . Many states require massage therapists to complete continuing education credits and to renew their license periodically. Those wishing to practice massage therapy should look into legal requirements for the state and locality in which they intend to practice.

What Education Or Certification Will I Need To Become A Massage Therapist

Most massage therapy programs award a diploma, certificate, or similar technical degree upon completion, which typically meets the education requirements for state board licensing when its required, though you can pursue an associates or bachelors degree in massage. No matter which type of program you choose, McNeil says it should have a solid focus on anatomy and physiology, especially if you want to focus on modalities that are more medicinal and therapeutic.

With the right training, massage students can position themselves as medical providers and build a reputation within the medical community.

If you live in the District of Columbia or one of the 46 states that regulate massage therapy professionals, youll have to meet your states requirements for licensing. This typically includes completing a minimum number of education hours and passing a national exam like the Massage & Bodywork Licensing Examination .

Once licensed, you can earn board certification through the National Certification Board for Therapeutic Massage& Bodywork , a designation that indicates youve achieved a level of professional knowledge and expertise beyond basic competencies. You can also prove that youve mastered an area of specialization by earning a certificate in one of boards eight specialty areas of massage. Keeping up to date on industry trends is also an important part of your ongoing education.

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Important Qualities For Massage Therapists

Communication skills. Massage therapists need to listen carefully to clients in order to understand what they want to achieve through massage sessions.

Massage therapists must evaluate each client’s needs and recommend the best treatment on the basis of that person’s needs.

Empathy. Massage therapists must give clients a positive experience, which requires building trust between therapist and client. Making clients feel comfortable is necessary for therapists to expand their client base.

Integrity. Massage therapists often have access to client information such as medical histories. Therefore, they must be trustworthy and protect the privacy of their clients.

Physical stamina. Massage therapists may give several treatments during a workday and have to stay on their feet throughout massage appointments.

Physical strength and dexterity. Massage therapists must be strong and able to exert pressure through a variety of movements of the arms and hands when manipulating a client’s muscles.

Time-management skills. Massage therapists must tailor an appointment to a client’s specific needs. They must use their appointment time wisely to help each client accomplish his or her goals.

The Benefits Of A Massage Therapy Career

Where Can a Massage Therapist Work

Massage therapy is a rewarding career with many fantastic benefits. Ask yourself these questions when deciding on whether or not to pursue a career in massage therapy:

  • Would you be interested in a job with a flexible schedule?
  • Would you appreciate the opportunity to work with and help people?
  • Do you enjoy working in a serene environment?

If you answered yes to these questions, then being a massage therapist could your perfect fit!

In addition to potentially having a flexible schedule and working in a variety of settings, a career in massage therapy could also provide you with a new lifestyle. The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports massage therapists make an average salary of more than $40,000 per year. To get started on your massage therapy career path, attend a massage therapy program taught by seasoned therapists. Once your education is complete, youll then need to get your license. After that, its up to you to find the career path that best fits your life and goals!

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What To Do If Something Inappropriate Happens

First and foremost, know that either the therapist or the client can end a session at any time, whether its because of clear sexual misconduct or because one party feels uncomfortable. If that happens to the client, they can get dressed and immediately remove themselves from the situation.

It is also important to note that sexual misconduct is not something massage therapists, managers or even owners are necessarily equipped or trained to handle, Hunter says.

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To say massage therapists, managers or owners should know how to handle situations such as these implies this is something common in the professional industry. It is not, she adds.

So where should you report misconduct? It depends where it happens. If it occurs at a franchise or larger massage studio, Agakian recommends reporting it to the manager. Even if they arent the ones to handle the investigation, its important for them to know what is happening in their establishment.

If your therapist is self-employed, you can always report any sexual misconduct to the police or the state massage board.

Finding A Massage Therapist For Erectile Dysfunction

Although it may be tempting, internet videos for do-it-yourself prostatic massage likely wont be very helpful for your purposes.

If youre working with your urologist, your family health practitioner, or a sexual health expert already, ask them to help you locate a prostatic massage practitioner.

Some doctors who specialize in ED treatment may have a practitioner on staff or have one they can recommend to you. Some doctors may even perform prostatic massage themselves.

Make sure that the person you select is trained specifically for prostatic massage. A general massage therapist usually isnt capable of performing this specialized type of medical treatment.

Much like other types of massage, prostatic massage is designed to massage the tissues in and around your groin, gently but firmly. Depending on your symptoms, you may need more frequent treatments or a longer treatment period.

In , men underwent a massage treatment three to four times per week for at least 4 weeks. Prostate massage was shown to be effective as a treatment for prostatitis, one physical cause for ED.

Research is still limited on the efficacy of prostate massage for ED itself.

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What Is Massage Therapy

Massage is defined in Chapter 480.033, Florida Statutes, as

the manipulation of the soft tissues of the human body with the hand, foot, arm, or elbow, whether or not such manipulation is aided by hydrotherapy, including colonic irrigation, or thermal therapy any electrical or mechanical device or the application to the human body of a chemical or herbal preparation.

Massage therapist is defined in Chapter 480.033, Florida Statutes, as

a person licensed as required by this act, who administers massage for compensation.

Massage Therapist Skills To Acquire

How Much Money Can A Massage Therapist Make?

As a massage therapist, you will need a few essential skills: communication skills, business management, empathy, and physical strength and stamina. Massage therapists will need communication skills to interpret a clients descriptions into actionable plans. massage therapy training will allow you understand how things like referred pain work and thus to proceed accordingly when that is what a person is referring to.

Massage therapists will need strong management skills to make sure that the business is successful and long-lived. Along with business, massage therapists must be able to manage time wisely. Thus, you will need to be able to stick to schedules so that each client is seen in a timely fashion.

As a health and wellness practitioner, you must be empathetic with patients who are in pain. They will need a receptive ear when discussing their difficulties, and your patient manner might elicit more information that youll find helpful in delivering treatment.

Finally, you must be able to maintain long hours on your feet, have strong arms and upper body, and be able to use your physicality week in and week out. When massage therapists are injured, they jeopardize their livelihood, and threaten their patients ability to receive treatment. Thus, make sure you have the physical ability to practice your profession.

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Where Can A Massage Therapist Practice Colonic Irrigation

Where can a massage therapist practice colonic irrigation?

A massage therapist can practice colonic irrigation in a massage establishment that is operating in compliance with 64B7-26.003, Florida Administrative Code, which includes that the establishment maintain colonic irrigation equipment in a safe and sanitary condition and maintain sterilization equipment if non-disposable colonic attachments are used.

Become A Massage Therapist

If working in one these environments sounds appealing to you, then you should consider becoming a massage therapist! Get started by downloading your free massage therapy career guide below!

If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to us at or email us at . Acupuncture and Massage College is located at 10506 North Kendall Drive, Miami, Florida 33176.

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Am I A Good Fit For This Role

Your personality can help determine whether massage therapy is the right career fit for you. Exploring massage specialties as well as the different kinds of environments its possible to work in can help with that.

Youll most certainly need to enjoy people and be willing to spend a good deal of your day in the immediate presence of your clients. While you probably wont be holding conversations the entire time a client is on the massage table, you will be greeting them, discussing a care plan, and checking in with them throughout the session to ensure their comfort and satisfaction.

Youll most certainly need to enjoy people and be willing to spend a good deal of your day in the immediate presence of your clients.

Massage therapy is also a physical job. While your classes will teach you techniques that optimize your efforts, you will be on your feet most of the time and using your strength to apply pressure. Your physical stamina will play a role in how well you are able to perform your joband how much you enjoy the work.

Where Might You Work

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Massage therapists work in a variety of environments including retail spaces, medical offices, long-term care facilities, independent offices, spas, and private resorts. As a new massage therapist, you might start out working for a massage company in a retail space where you are offered an hourly rate plus tips. These jobs are often low-paid, but they offer a good starting point.

While working in a retail massage shop, massage therapists could find work with a chiropractic office, medical clinic, or long-term care facility. These settings allow massage therapists to work with patients who are in dire need of help and healing. Many massage therapists feel that a strictly clinical or medical setting is their calling and even springboard from these clinics to work as a physical therapist or elsewhere in the medical community.

On the other hand, massage therapists can decide to set up a private practice. Many massage therapists are attracted to the profession for this reason. Massage therapists love being able to make their own schedule, find their own clients, and build a totally unique, individual practice.

Finally, massage therapists can also seek work in a spa or resort. Many new massage therapists find this alluring and so take their licenses to exotic locales such as the Bahamas, find work on cruise ships, or seek work in a Hawaiian resort.

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