Wednesday, July 24, 2024

External Massage For Pelvic Floor Muscles

Nerve Supply To The Pelvic Region

Pelvic Yoga – External Massage

The pelvic floor has parasympathetic, sympathetic and somatic nerve supply. This means there is both voluntary and involuntary control over the area.

The pudendal, pelvic splanchnic and pre-sacral nerves are the nerves responsible for maintenance of urinary continence as well as erectile function in men.

The pelvic splanchnic nerves provide motor function to the blood vessels of the penis and if damaged during surgery will result in erectile dysfunction.

Some Of What I Do As A Pelvic Floor Therapist

by Jeanie Crawford | Nov 4, 2019 | Uncategorized |

I am CAPP- Pelvis certified. This is a way of signifying my dedication to womens health physical therapy. CAPP-PELVIS certification is awarded through the Womens Health section of the American Physical Therapy Association. It is awarded to physical therapists who complete required education, training and testing related to pelvic health dysfunction. One of the requirements is to write a case study and have it approved by American Physical Therapy Association.

Below is my case study I want to present it in this blog as way for people to learn some of what I do at SBR Therapy and Wellness to treat Womens Health Issues. Also, If you are interested in preventing or lessoning some of these risks I can assist with that too. I have treated thousands of patients with pelvic health issues and done thousands of internal and external pelvic floor exams.

Pelvic Health Issues can include, but are not limited to : urinary incontinence, pregnancy and postpartum, bowel dysfunction, pelvic pain conditions, post pelvic, abdominal surgeries craniosacral alignment issues, pain with intercourse, testicular pain, Male or female pelvic pain, myofascial pain, pelvic/hip/back pain with sport, scars.

Here is my article let me know if you find it helpful! Let me know if you would like help you can book online with our app, or call 262- 204 8383

How to treat bladder and bowel incontinence with focus on a whole body approach

Supplements To Support Pelvic Floor

Supplements to support Pelvic Floor are generally digestive supplements or overall body wellness supplements or Sexual support or Tissue Support supplements. You can start with sesame oil rubbed on the belly externally. Coconut oil works well too. This can be done with a small amount of oil rubbing the abdominal area gently in a clockwise or a counterclockwise directions. Fish oil by mouth can create softer stools, as can ground flax seed. Magnesium by mouth is a good choice. Soaking in Magnesium Salt Bath is an excellent way to support pelvic floor health. You can research probiotics as an aid. Turmeric is an excellent digestive aid and anti inflammatory aid. Water, as much as you can drink, always assists and we have found that warm water with honey and /or warm teas also can be helpful. Triphala is an excellent tonifier and you can learn more about that digestive aid on your own, by referring to Dr. Frawley, Ayervedic Physician, or by checking back here to for future articles on nutrition and supplementation.

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What Is Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

A quick overview of pelvic floor dysfunction, including symptoms and causes.


  • Lack of control over pelvic floor muscles
  • Muscles in constant contraction state
  • Involuntary contractions and inability to relax muscles
  • Pelvic floor pain while sitting or during intercourse
  • In men, pelvic floor dysfunction can cause premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction
  • Pelvic floor dysfunction can cause irritable bowel syndrome and urinary frequency.

Possible Causes

  • People who engage in a lot of physical exercisefor example, dancers and gymnastsare required to maintain strong pelvic muscles and hold strong contractions in order to perform their exercises. This often leads to constantly holding a tense pelvic floor.
  • People who are a little shy, anxious or depressed may find that they tense many muscles in their body and this includes the pelvic floor muscles. When you feel anxious, you will automatically tense these muscles, and it can become a habit that’s hard to break.
  • Poor posture, including the way you sit, can play a huge role in pelvic floor dysfunction. A major cause of pelvic floor dysfunction is anterior pelvic tilt or a curve in the lower back.
  • Tight hip flexors are a major cause. Do you find yourself favoring a certain leg when standing up, or do you lean with your pelvis out to one side? This can cause an imbalance in your pelvic floor muscles, causing them to tense up to support your body.

How Do I Fix High

The Female Perineum

Before you can fix a problem, you need to be sure you know what the problem is, and thats not always easy. There are many structures which are related to, or function with the pelvic floor muscles. This article cant be used for diagnostic purposes for exactly this reasonyou need a comprehensive physical exam, and sometimes special diagnostic tests to completely understand what isand isntinvolved in your pain.

To give you an idea of how many different things need to be considered, diagnoses related to and/or confused with high-tone pelvic floor muscle dysfunction are:

  • Urologic
  • Interstitial cystitis
  • Chronic urinary tract infection
  • Chronic Prostatitis


  • Proctalgia
  • Coccygodynia


Bones and connective tissue of the pelvic bone

  • Pudendal Nerve Entrapment
  • Piriformis Syndrome
  • Sacro-iliac syndrome
  • Obturator Internus Syndrome

Figure 2. View looking down on pelvic floor inside the pelvis.

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Causes Of Pelvic Pain In Men

What are the causes of pelvic pain in men? Below, well take a look at the most common conditions.


Inflammation of the bladder, cystitis, can be caused by:

  • A urinary tract infection
  • Pain in the pelvic region
  • A painful sensation or burning when you urinate
  • The urge to urinate frequently
  • Cloudy, smelly, or darkly colored urine
  • Blood in your urine


The prostate gland is a walnut-sized gland that is situated just below a mans bladder.

According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases prostatitis, also known as the swelling of the prostate gland, is responsible for almost 2 million medical visits in the US each year.

Chronic prostatitis may be caused by:

  • Nerve damage in the lower urinary tract
  • Bacterial infection

The symptoms of prostatitis include:

  • Pain in the lower back or abdomen
  • Genital pain
  • Flu-like symptoms

Urinary Tract Infection

A common cause of pelvic pain in men, a urinary tract infection occurs from an overgrowth of bacteria in the kidneys, ureters, urethra, or bladder.

Symptoms of a UTI include:

  • Pelvic pain and pressure
  • The frequent urge to urinate
  • Blood in the urine
  • Painful urination

Pudendal Nerve Entrapment

The pudendal nerve is the primary nerve in the pelvis and provides sensation to the penis, buttocks, and surrounding areas.

Entrapment of the pudendal nerve may be caused by something as simple as sitting on a bicycle seat for a prolonged period of time.

Other symptoms may include:

  • Numbness

Is Pelvis Floor Therapy Effective

Yes, the pelvis floor therapy is quite effective,because the success rate is good. Patients enjoy enhanced life quality aftertheir treatment. However, the duration and efficacy level will depend upon thecondition and severity. For example Therapy for myofascial pelvic pain generallytakes 6 to 8 one-hour sessions for several weeks, but in severe cases, it maytake a few months.

Remember, pelvic pain symptoms must not get ignored,because getting treatment as early as possible is important. It helps in avoidingthe condition from getting chronically painful as the sensitiveness of yournerve receptors increase. Make sure you find a reliable physical therapy rehabbecause errors in diagnosing a condition accurately can cause adverse results.

Consult PFD specialists as soon as you can to gettimely treatment in case of chronic pelvic pain!


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Pelvic Floor Massage Treatment

Pelvic Floor Massage works on your external muscles related to Pelvic floor dysfunction.

Massage therapy for pelvic floor muscles is extremely beneficial and can compliment Pelvic Floor Physiotherapy if needed. The pelvic floor contains many ligaments and muscles that interconnect and act as a base of support for the pelvis. Massage therapy can work on all the muscles that attach to the pelvis hamstrings, hip flexors, glutes, and your core. When our pelvis shift from posture, structural issues, tight muscles, or pregnancy, pain can begin to cause major discomfort and affect daily life. Massage therapy works to release these muscles and regain proper balance and tone.

My Own Experience With Perineal Massage During Pregnancy


I cant remember exactly when I started perineal massage during my pregnancy, but somewhere around 35-36 weeks. My own goal was to mentally feel prepared to expand the tissue in that region when the babys head needed to make its way through. I performed it in the shower a few times but found it a bit awkward to reach around and also to remember to do it in that setting. I tried it lying down in bed in a propped position reclined back with pillows and side lying which to me felt more comfortable. I tried it with my fingers, my thumbs and with a dilator from Intimate Rose.

I also asked my husband for help once, but turns out I did not enjoy that version and opted to continue solo. I probably only performed the perineal massage 2x per week. Ultimately there was a time near 38-39 weeks that I didnt want to do it anymore but felt I needed to push the stretch further to almost the size of a fist, so that I could feel more empowered/prepared mentally. I had read about this concept in the book, The Fourth Trimester by Kimberly Ann Johnson. I did that once and then felt I was ready for whatever came my way.

If you have any questions about performing perineal massage during pregnancy or postpartum, schedule an online session with me or one of the other awesome Vagina Whisperer therapists.

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How Do You Release Pelvic Floor

First, take a slow, gentle breath in through your nose, and allow your belly and ribs to flare out to the sides. Open your pelvic floor with your inhale breath. Exhale slowly and gently through your mouth, allowing your belly to fall. Let the air out of your upper lungs, relax your ribs, belly and pelvic floor.

Techniques Used In Pelvic Floor Therapy Treatment

The basic concept of physical therapy for PFD is to rebuild the strength and endurance of the weakenedpelvic floor muscles.

A qualified physical therapist will examine your pelvicfloor muscles via the vagina or rectum, and do the visceral manipulationprocedure to simulate normal mobility. If the muscles are short, your therapistwill try to stretch them. If they are weak, then they will apply resistance toincrease the strength.

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Bridge Pose To Strengthen And Tone The Pelvic Floor

For the next piece: inhale to soften all effort and soft tissue, then on an exhale lift through the pelvic floor, mentally engage the muscles to bring your hip bones closer together, THEN you can pick up your pelvis, low back, middle back, and upper back off the ground to come into bridge posture.

This bridge is not about rolling your spine up or down. Keep a neutral spine as you lift the hips.

Hold at the top for an inhale, try to soften through the pelvic floor.

On your exhale, FIRST, lift up through the pelvic floor, try to close the hip bones towards each other, then come down the upper back, middle back, lower back, hips.

Please resist rolling downcatch yourself if you do and keep your spine in neutral as you go up and down. Inhale again at the bottom.

Do this from start to finish for a few rounds, a few times a week. Remember to initiate the movement first on exhale with the pelvic floor and your lower abdominals, then move your body up off the floor.

How Long Does It Take For Pelvic Floor Therapy To Work

Herman &  Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Continuing ...

Each person’s reason for needed pelvic floor therapy varies. Also, the level of chronic pain is different for each person. The longer you have the pelvic pain, the more your muscles have adapted and accommodated the pain, resulting in fossilized pain that takes longer to heal. Some men and women may only need treatments for a few weeks, and others will need a few months before the pelvic therapy makes a difference. Even then, therapy treatments may need to complement a long term treatment plan in the form of vaginal muscle upkeep.

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Newer Vibrating Pelvic Wand

You can also get the newer version of the Intimate Rose Pelvic Wand which has the same shape, has 10 different vibration options and is re-chargeable.

Why is vibration helpful in this practice, you ask?

Soothing vibration, in combination with gentle pressure, helps to improve circulation and relax the pelvic floor muscles for more effective healing and pain relief.

Studies show that vibration assists not only in reducing pain but improving blood flow in muscles, which is beneficial in healing and restoring muscle function.

So this feature may help speed up your process!

Pretty sweet, right?

This newer version of the wand is also super pretty a teal colour.

The way you work the wand is using the buttons near the middle of it, which I found to be a comfortable location while using the wand internally.

Press the power button once to turn the wand on and off. And press the vibration button to cycle through the 10 vibration patterns.

Here are the 10 vibration modes, elegantly demonstrated below in my own language:1. brr-brr-brr-brrrrrrr and then brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr2. brrrrrrrrr4. brr-brr-brr-brrrrrrr and then BRRRRRRrrrrrr5. BRRRRRRRRRRR9. BRRRRR-BRRRRR-BRRRRR-BRRRRR10. br-br-br-BR br-br-br-BR br-br-br-BR

My favourite for internal vibration is number 3 and for external clitoral stimulation , is number 7.

Anatomy Of The Prostate Gland

The prostate is a walnut-sized gland that is in the pelvis. Only men have prostate glands and its main function is to secrete prostatic fluid which lubricates and nourishes sperm. The prostate sits behind the pubic ramus and just below the bladder. The urethra exits the bladder and passes through the prostate.

There is a complex neurovascular bundle found on either side of the prostate within its fascial sheath. These nerves are particularly responsible for erectile function. This neural plexus is often damaged during the surgical removal of the prostate. In 1982 two Surgeons Walsh and Donker pioneered the nerve-sparing surgical procedure when conducting a radical prostatectomy. Before this, the neurovascular bundles were simply removed along with the prostate leading to complete, incurable erectile dysfunction and severe incontinence. Since then the procedure of performing a prostatectomy has been significantly refined and there are now 3 types of procedures, non-nerve-sparing , unilateral nerve-sparing and bilateral nerve-sparing.

The length of the urethra that runs through the prostate is surrounded by the sphincteric muscle. The proximal sphincter is made up of smooth muscle as is responsible for closing the urethra during ejaculation to prevent retrograde ejaculation . The distal sphincter is made of more striated muscle and damage to this sphincter can lead to incontinence.

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Pelvic Pain In Men: How Physical Therapy Can Help Exercises And More

Most men experience pelvic pain at some point in life.

Pelvic pain in men may show up in the form of:

  • Frequent urination
  • Pain in the low back

If youve been wondering about the causes and solutions for pelvic pain in men, youve come to the right place.

Read on to find out how physical therapy can help to relieve the pain and get you back to feeling your best.

Cues For Muscle Activation

Pelvic Floor Massage Therapy – Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques

A correct pelvic floor muscle contraction combines the closure of sphincters, as well as a general upward lift of the muscles Pelvic floor physiotherapy for underactive or overactive pelvic muscles has been found to be beneficial in male patients.

When activating specific areas of the pelvic floor to target continence and sexual function it can be helpful to divide the hammock into 3 sections a front, middle and back. Different cues can be used to activate the different areas. Shorten your penis and stop the flow of urine can be helpful activating the anterior and middle sections for erectile function and urinary continence while tighten around the anus is more helpful for the posterior region and faecal continence.

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Bowel Movements And Pelvic Floor Health

Position and Timing of Bowel Movements support Pelvic Floor Health. Low toilet seating with knees high. Use a stool for feet or move to a shorter toilet. Squatty Potty can help.This facilitates easier bowel movements. Work with gravity. Give yourself time daily, without rush, preferably in the morning. This creates space and gives your body permission to perform this essential function. This training can be started at any time of life and will assist you throughout the rest of your life. In this hectic world I am not surprised when folks tell me they are not giving themselves time in the morning to actually train their body to perform this essential function. The body is incredibly trainable.

Best Pelvic Floor Massager

If you are in a hurry and just want to find out our top pick for best pelvic floor massager, we recommend the Intimate Rose Pelvic Wand.

Pee-Sneezes Suck!

Did you know? One in four women struggle with pelvic floor disorders, and research shows, as women age, this percentage increases.

The common advice for women struggling with pelvic floor issues is to do Kegels.

BUTthis assumes that all women with PF issues have underactive pelvic floor muscles .

This is simply untrue.

Many women who struggle with pelvic floor issues have the opposite issue overactive muscles.

Traditionally, women with overactive muscles would have to seek the help of a physical therapist to release those muscles. But today, there are a number of Pelvic Floor Massagers available so you can release your pelvic floor muscles from the comfort of your own home.

Weve rounded up the best pelvic floor massagers on the market and include our top pick.

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