Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Massage For Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Deep Layer Of The Pelvic Floor Muscles

Pelvic Floor Massage Therapy – Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques

The pelvic girdle includes two crescent-shaped pelvic bones. And these bones join at the front to form the pubic symphysis. Also, they join at the back on the triangle-shaped sacrum to form the sacroiliac joints. The coccyx, or tailbone, attaches to the base of the sacrum. Lastly, the ligaments secure each of the joints, which connect bone to bone.

However, for simplification and categorization, they are often referred to as the superficial urogenital muscles or superficial pelvic floor muscles, and the deep pelvic floor muscles or levator ani muscles. These muscles support the pelvic organs, rectum, uterus and bladder. The terminal openings of these organs pass through, and in females result in the three sphincteric openings of the anus, vagina and urethra.

Pelvic Floor Self Massage

Pelvic Floor Self Massage can strengthen and tone pelvic floor muscles.This can create a stronger and stable pelvic floor and is worth a try! Begin Pelvic Floor Self Massage using surgical gloves to find tight and sore areas in and around the anus as well as the walls of the vagina and base of the penis. This can be done in the bath or lying down Using fingers and thumb, locate tight sore areas. Place pressure on a painful trigger point and wait 8 to 12 seconds for it to release. Take a deep breath. You can tune into your body and feel tight sore areas release. This will facilitate blood flow in ischemic areas and allow the body to reorganize around the work. The body wants to be in alignment and it wants to work correctly. Damaged soft tissue can be retrained with self massage.

Male Pelvic Floor Health.

Locate the the Bulbospongiosus on the photo above. Using fingers and thumb locate painful tissue or overstretched tissue in that area. Apply pressure with one hand and stretch the penis out with the other. This work can be done around the entire base of the penis. This tones the fascia and will work to strengthen tissue and release painful trigger points creating blood flow and healing. If any area is too painful, move away, take rest and return applying less pressure.

Pelvic Floor Physio & Rehab

Pelvic Floor physiotherapy is the assessment and treatment of the pelvis and its surrounding and associated structures.

Your Pelvic Floor

The Pelvic floor is the network of muscles, fascia and ligaments that provide a hammock like support system to your vagina and pelvic organs . During lifting, exercising or coughing the pelvic floor tightens and lifts muscles and sphincters around the pelvic organs.

Support and lift your pelvic organs and vagina to prevent pelvic organ prolapse/descent Support the growing baby and uterus Assist with bladder and bowel control Increase sexual function Provide support and prevent leaking during: high impact activities sustained postures , and activities that suddenly increase intra-abdominal pressure . Provide Spinal stability. This occurs when the pelvic floor correctly co-contracts with the deep core muscles and the diaphragm. Assisting in preventing injury and/or reducing pain and dysfunction of the low back and pelvis. Improving alignment, mobility and function.

Causes of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction
Pelvic Floor Conditions commonly treated :

Bladder Control/ Urinary Incontinence Scar Tissue Release/Mobilization Vaginismus Vestibulodynia Vestibulitis Vulvodynia

How we can assist you in your rehabilitation
Pelvic Floor Success

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Modified Thiele Massage As Therapeutic Intervention For Female Patients With Interstitial Cystitis And High

  • Ian A. OyamaCorrespondenceReprint requests: Ian A. Oyama, M.D., University of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine, Cooper Hospital, 900 Centennial Boulevard, Suite L, Voorhees, NJ 08043AffiliationsUniversity of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine, Cooper Hospital, Camden, New Jersey, USA
  • Adam S. HolzbergAffiliationsUniversity of Medicine and Dentistry New Jersey Robert Wood Johnson School of Medicine, Cooper Hospital, Camden, New Jersey, USA

Is Pelvic Floor Massage Therapy Only For Females

Pelvic Floor Dysfunction and What You Can Do

Many assume that pelvic floor work is only indicated for females, due to child birth, and a narrower hip alignment. In fact, we get an equal amount of male and female patients referred for pelvic floor work. This is because everyone experiences tight musculature and stress. Any sign or symptom of tight musculature and/or stress is indicated for massage therapy, no matter the gender.

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The Emotional Side Effects Are Also Very Real

Im now suddenly exploring this part of my body that Ive blocked out for so long, and it feels like Im discovering a part of me I never knew existed. Its almost like experiencing a new sexual awakening, which I have to admit, is a pretty awesome feeling.

But at the same time, Ive been hitting roadblocks as well.

After conquering the smallest size, I became overly confident. Christensen had warned me about the size difference between the first and second dilator. I felt like I could easily make that jump, but I was sorely mistaken.

I cried out in pain when I tried to insert the next size up and became defeated.

I now know that this pain wont be fixed overnight, and its a slow process with many ups and downs. But I fully believe in Christensen, and I know that she will always be by my side on this road to recovery.

She will make sure I achieve my goals, even if I dont believe it myself.

Both Christensen and Prendergast encourage women who are experiencing any type of pain during intercourse or pelvic pain in general to look into physical therapy as a treatment option.

A lot of women including myself find a PT on their own after years of searching for a diagnosis or treatment for their pain. And the search for a good PT can feel overwhelming.

For people who want help finding someone, Prendergast recommends checking out the American Physical Therapy Association and the International Pelvic Pain Society.

What To Expect From A Vaginal Massage

Image via Pixabay

So if vaginal massage interests you, either in the form of pelvic floor therapy or yoni massage, how do you protect yourself from dangerous and uncomfortable situations? Well, one of the best things you can do is learn what to expect from this type of massage in the first place.

Any massage should start with the provider making you feel safe, comfortable, and informed about what will take place.

With a vaginal massage, just like an ObGyn appointment, some standard social boundaries will be crossed. The massage provider will see and touch parts of your body most people reserve for sexual partners. However, the massage and overall atmosphere should not feel overly sexual or violating.

If you feel up to it, you can avoid placing yourself in a potentially vulnerable situation by performing a massage on yourself. All you need is a little time to yourself and a reputable resource for self-massage techniques.

If you require pelvic floor physical therapy for a medical condition, you will probably need to seek out professional help. However, you can still ask your therapist to teach you self-massage techniques or how to use a device like the Therawand.

Whichever route you choose, always put your emotional and physical wellbeing above all else. If you ever feel uncomfortable or unsafe, even with a licensed medical professional, its okay to walk away.

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Perineal Massage & Pelvic Floor Preparation

Antenatal digital perineal massage reduces the likelihood of perineal trauma and the reporting of ongoing perineal pain. Women should be made aware of the likely benefit of perineal massage and provided with information on how to massage .


This is based on a review including four studies comparing digital perineal massage with control. Antenatal digital perineal massage was associated with an overall reduction in the incidence of trauma requiring suturing and women practicing perineal massage were less likely to have an episiotomy. These findings were significant for women without previous vaginal birth only.


Perineal massage is performed daily for 5-10 minutes from 34 weeks. One to two fingers are introduced 3-4 cm in vagina, applying alternating downward and sideward pressure using sweet almond oil . Other descriptions are to perform massage for 4 minutes 3-4 times per week from 34 weeks, 5cms into the vagina and sweeping downward from 3 o clock to 9 o clock .



We recommend 3-4 sessions as needed with a chartered physiotherapist with a special interest in womens health depending on the resting position and tension of the pelvic floor. We teach a home exercise program for daily practice.

Hypotonic Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Pelvic floor dysfunction and failed treatments explained by Irvine Posture Chiropractor

Hypotonic pelvic floor muscles are muscles that are too weak. When a man or woman has weak pelvic floor muscles, it means that the muscles are not providing enough support for the bowels, bladder, and/or uterus.

There are two main conditions that are caused by weak pelvic floor muscles: urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse .

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence is the involuntary loss of urine. Depending on the type and severity, some individuals can experience minor leaks while others lose small to moderate amounts of urine more frequently. If you suffer from urinary leakage, please know that it is very common approximately 3.3 million Canadians suffer from incontinence.

There are 5 different types of urinary incontinence:

Urinary incontinence can be diagnosed by using a variety of tests, including a urinalysis to check for abnormalities, post-void residual measurement to measure urine output and leftover urine in the bladder, or through the use of a bladder diary to track your frequency of urination.

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Pelvic Organ Prolapse is a disorder in which women experience a protrusion at or near the vaginal opening. The protrusion may be accompanied by perineal pressure .

There are other types of prolapses that can protrude into the vaginal canal as a result of weak pelvic floor muscles. These include:

Two of the main tools used to diagnose a pelvic organ prolapse are a speculum and Pelvic Organ Prolapse Quantification tool.

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Internal Pelvic Floor Therapy: Vaginal Dilators

Vaginal dilators can be useful for treating different pelvic floor problems. These small devices can be used to retrain tissues in and around your vagina to relax and contract as desired.

Dilators are sometimes prescribed to prevent or improve scar tissue damage from childbirth, surgery, or radiotherapy. They can also be used to relieve vaginal or vulvar tissues that are hypersensitive to the touch.

If your doctor or pelvic floor therapist prescribes vaginal dilators, theyll probably instruct you to use them for short amounts of time and build up your endurance. Doctors often recommend using dilators for 1 minute at first and building up to 510 minutes over time.

When using vaginal dilators, its imperative that you always feel comfortable. Going too fast can cause pain, trigger muscle spasms, and aggravate the initial problem. Slow progress, on the other hand, can help relieve symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction.

Who Can Benefit From Pelvic Health Massage Therapy

The following symptoms may be relieved by pelvic floor massage therapy:

  • Rectal genital abdominal discomfort or pain
  • Pain with functional movement such as sitting or standing
  • Pain during or after sexual activity
  • Increased urinary frequency, hesitancy & pain, leaking
  • Feelings of incomplete emptying
  • Discomfort around bladder

A lot of the above symptoms have a few things in common, which is tight muscle. For example, some of the musculature surrounds our bladder, and urethra . When these muscles are tight and constricted, we might feel discomfort with urination, incomplete urination, or even leaking. When we are able to release and retrain our muscles of the pelvis, we begin to see improvements in the system overall. Less tension and pressure = less pain and dysfunction.

This example applies to all of the structures in the pelvis as well. Tight muscle that attaches to our pelvis has the ability to misalign the boney structure itself. When there is tight muscle on one side, the opposing musculature may weaken. This teeter totter affect on our pelvis can cause symptoms such as low back pain, and pain with our functional movement, like sitting, walking, and standing.

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Symptoms Of Pelvic Floor Dysfunction

Your pelvic floor can weaken because of aging, trauma, or surgery. Its common to experience symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction during menopause or after pregnancy.

However common it might be, its important to have pelvic floor dysfunction and its symptoms evaluated by a doctor and treated if necessary.

Some of the most common symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction include:

  • Urinary or fecal incontinence

Relaxing Those Muscles: Conclusion

Relaxation Exercises to Treat Pelvic Floor Dysfunction ...

I hope the article helped you find some techniques to relieve pelvic pain and relax tense and tight pelvic floor muscles. Everyone is very different and it may take a little time to find out the best techniques to help you relax your muscles.

A few points before you leave:

  • Always be conscious of your pelvic floor muscles. If you find yourself contracting them, relax and let them release their tension. Train your body and your mind to relax these muscles fully.
  • Always remember, however, that whenever you are lifting anything heavy or performing vigorous exercises, your pelvic floor muscles are required to contract strongly and tense up, in order to hold all your organs securely and support your body weight. Re-teach your muscles to relax and contract as required.
  • During colder weather you may find your pelvic floor muscles are sometimes impossible to relax. Use hot baths or steam rooms to help you fight cold tight muscles.
  • Please be aware of your posture don’t lean on one leg, or have your feet pointed outwards or too far in. All these types of things will put undue stress on the pelvic floor muscles as they try to compensate for poor posture.

If people enjoy this article, I will write another one covering the levator ani , as well as some yoga and stretches to target tight pelvic floor muscles.

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What Is Thiele’s Massage

George Thiele, MD, published several articles relating to coccyx pain as early as 1930 and into the late 1960’s. His work on coccyx pain and treatment remains relevant today, and all pelvic rehabilitation providers can benefit from knowledge of his publications. Thiele’s massage is a particular method of massage to the posterior pelvic floor muscles including the coccygeus. Dr. Thiele, in his article on the cause and treatment of coccygodynia in 1963, states that the levator ani and coccygeus muscles are tender and spastic, while the tip of the coccyx is not usually tender in patients who complain of tailbone pain. The same article takes the reader through an amazing literature review describing interventions for coccyx pain in the early 20th century.

Examination and physical findings, according to Dr. Thiele, include slow and careful sitting with weight often shifted to one buttock, and frequent change of position. He also describes poor sitting posture, with pressure placed upon the middle buttocks, sacrum, and tailbone. Postural dysfunction as a proposed etiology is not a new theory, and in Thiele’s article he states that poor sitting posture is “the most important traumatic factor in coccygodynia” and even referred to postural cases as having “television disease.”

Exercise : Pelvic Floor Relaxation And Opening Up The Hip Rotators


The first exercise is a relaxation exercise which should not only help to relax your muscles but also relax your mind.

  • Lie down on a comfortable surface on your back
  • Place the soles of your feet together and open up your hips
  • Extend your arms straight out form your sides
  • Take a deep breath in through the nose into the pit of your stomach, focusing on relaxing your pelvic floor muscles
  • Exhale slowly while maintaining focus on your muscles.
  • If you find it hard to open up your hips, you can place a pillow under your upper thighs and lower buttocks. Try to do a relaxation exercise for about 10 -15 minutes. Let yourself go and relax your entire body including your pelvic floor muscles. Feel them relax as you breathe in deeply.

    The video below will also help you in loosening those tight hip rotators in order to perform the pelvic floor relaxation more easily.

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    Pelvic Massage Can Be Legitimate But Not In Larry Nassars Hands

    • Read in app

    By Roni Caryn Rabin

    The case of Lawrence G. Nassar, the former doctor for the American gymnastics team who was sentenced last week for systemic sexual abuse of his young patients, raises many uncomfortable questions. One of the more troubling is the way the team doctor duped patients, parents and other physicians into believing that his treatments were medically appropriate, even after complaints were lodged.

    It wasnt entirely implausible. A form of physical therapy called pelvic floor physical therapy uses internal vaginal soft tissue manipulation, or massage, to relieve pelvic pain by accessing muscles that cannot be reached any other way. The therapy has been tested and found effective in several small studies and clinical trials published in peer-reviewed medical journals.

    But medical professionals use pelvic floor physical therapy primarily for conditions like persistent pelvic pain, bowel and bladder problems like incontinence, and painful intercourse. It is not the first line of treatment for the kinds of problems that typically afflict gymnasts, like lower back and hip pain, which are less likely to require internal vaginal manipulations, experts say.

    There is nothing sexual about it, said Rhonda Kotarinos, a physical therapist in Chicago who specializes in the pelvic floor and is an author of several studies on the therapy.

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