How Massage And Acupuncture Compliment Each Other
Massage and acupuncture, two of the oldest treatments in the world, still work to help heal patients today. Although each helps patients with many ailments individually, these two treatments are uniquely suited to work as a team. Together, their complimentary points of attack work to maximize a patients healing and pain relief.
Holistic medicine is built on the principles of treating the whole body by addressing underlying issues. Rather than just masking symptoms, holistic medicine helps your body work as a whole to heal itself. It aims to solve the true root of a problem. This requires multiple, natural treatments that work in harmony to support different systems and promote your natural healing abilities. Few treatments work so well together as massage and acupuncture, and even fewer work to combat so many ailments.
History Of Massage Therapy
Humans have instinctively valued the healing power of massage for thousands of years with references to massage appearing in ancient writings from China, Japan, India, and Egypt. Manuscripts and artwork from all over the world have shown people being massaged. Alternative health systems such as Ayurveda and Traditional Chinese Medicine used massage to treat injuries and disease. Hippocrates once wrote, “The physician must be experienced in many things, but most assuredly in rubbing.” Massage as a modern therapeutic practice was established by a Swedish gymnast in the 19th century. Per Hendrik Ling developed a system known as Swedish Massage that has remained one of the most popular techniques available.
Benefits Of Massage Therapy
People seek massage therapy for a variety of reasons to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain, and promote overall health and wellness. Research has shown that massage therapy is a beneficial complement to medical treatment in many cases. Fortunately, today’s physicians are beginning to embrace massage therapy and integrate it into their patients’ treatment plans.
A Wellness Center and Spa
5655 Lake Acworth Dr. Suite 230, Acworth Ga. 30101 PH 770-966-8000
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Types Of Holistic Medicine
Like all forms of medicine, holistic care contains many facets. Depending on the nature of your illness or condition, holistic healthcare can focus on:
- Medicine
- Homeopathy
- Psychotherapy
These are in addition to forms of traditional care that have existed for centuries, such as Ayurvedic medicine. Holistic healthcare focuses on the patient, not the disease. This provides individualized care, tailored to suit your individual needs.
Trigger Your Bodys Healing Process
Your bodys natural healing process kicks into overdrive when it senses damage. By stimulating your bodys pain and pleasure centers through both massage and acupuncture, you jump-start your innate healing abilities. Since neither massage nor acupuncture cause damage, there is no new injury for your body to heal, so that burst of healing energy goes to fight other, preexisting problems. While massage or acupuncture alone could do this to a certain extent, these two treatments work together to give your system the ultimate jump-start.
This practice is particularly effective against pains and problems that are difficult to diagnose, such as hand pain, chronic headaches, and other convoluted maladies. Such pains often arise from a combination of factors, making them impervious to regular treatments. Massage and acupuncture work in tandem with medicine and offer a safe, additional treatment option for those who choose to pursue a varied treatment plan.
If you are currently going through massage or acupuncture treatments, speak to your doctor about adding the other to your treatment plan. These two treatments are safe for the vast majority of patients, no matter what medicines they take, and pairing them offers superior results. Both treatments use external methods to trigger your bodys natural healing process. Together, however, they become far more powerful. Give your body the help it needs and talk to your doctor today.
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Massage Therapy Compliments Chiropractic Care
Massage therapy is manual manipulation of soft body tissues the muscles, connective tissue, tendons and ligaments to enhance a persons health and well being. Many people seek massage therapy for a variety of reasons. At Cedarcrest Chiropractic & Rehabilitation, we believe massage therapy is a beneficial adjunct to the chiropractic adjustment. It helps to reduce stress and anxiety, relax muscles, rehabilitate injuries, reduce pain and promote overall health and wellness. We feel chiropractic and massage therapy go hand in hand!
We utilize massage therapy in conjunction with chiropractic care in order to help you achieve optimal results. You will feel better and more relaxed because of our unique integrative approach. Massage therapy combined with chiropractic care will also help to increase the speed of recovery from injury.
Benefits Of Holistic Medicine
Contrary to popular belief, holistic medicine is typically used in conjunction with conventional medicine. This makes it ideal for treating nearly any condition. Some conditions commonly approached with holistic medicine include:
- Cancer
- Chronic pain
- Glaucoma
Rather than attack symptoms, holistic medicine looks toward the root cause of illness. The result is a well-rounded treatment plan that seeks to heal your mind and spirit, in addition to your body.
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Types Of Massage Therapy
There are dozens of massage techniques today that are used for a variety of different conditions and problems. While there are many types of massage, two fundamental categories are:
Relaxation massage – practiced in settings like spas, wellness centers and resorts.
Rehabilitative massage also known as deep tissue, medical, therapeutic or clinical massage practiced in many settings like clinics, hospitals and chiropractic offices.
Reiki Is A Japanese Technique For Stress Reduction And Relaxation That Also Promotes Healing It Is Administered By Laying On Hands And Is Based On The Idea That An Unseen Life Force Energy Flows Through Us And Is What Causes Us To Be Alive If One’s Life Force Energy Is Low Then We Are More Likely To Get Sick Or Feel Stress And If It Is High We Are More Capable Of Being Happy And Healthy
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words – Rei which means “God’s Wisdom or the Higher Power” and Ki which is “life force energy”. So Reiki is actually “spiritually guided life force energy.”
A treatment feels like a wonderful glowing radiance that flows through and around you. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Many have reported miraculous results.
Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of healing. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It also works in conjunction with all other medical or therapeutic techniques to relieve side effects and promote recovery.
The body is more than just a collection of functioning parts. Since everything generates a frequency, the body and its organs have their own energy field which is continually changing. All conditions of disease are rooted in this energy system. If our “life force” is low or blocked, we are more likely to get sick. But if it is high and flowing freely, we can maintain our health and well being. Reiki provides a means to balance the human energy fields and energy centers to create conditions needed for the bodies healing system to function.
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Tips & Reviews For Natural Healing Massage
accepts credit cardsfree wi-figender-neutral restroomsopen to all
- Sep 2021
Absolutely the BEST massage Iâve ever had! Iâve been searching for a long time for a good massage therapist and they go above and beyond here!I was answered right away when I asked about booking. The waiting area was very comfortable and peaceful. Not only did I get a great massage, but a much needed stretch.Even got the pleasantry of hot stones, which most other places charge extra for. The prices are great.I couldnât have asked for a better experience and I will be back!
- Jun 2021
This has to be one of the best massages Iâve ever had. Iâve been to several places in the past and others have never found every area on my body that needed work. The name of this place is fitting because Lillian truly has healing hands. She found the injured areas I went in for. Felt a thousand times better when I left. She was very sweet and personable. She actually cares about the people coming in. Wish I would have found this place sooner. Go try this place, you wonât regret it!
- Feb 2021
Went for a couples massage for Valentineâs Day. This was a GREAT experience! They were so nice and the massage was heavenly! My favorite part was the hot stone therapy. I hold tension in my shoulders, and she was able to really work the knots out. I would highly recommend them!
Holistic Medicine In Acworth Ga
Every patient is different, just as every condition is. Holistic medicine seeks to help you with an all-encompassing treatment that focuses on everything from traditional medications, diet, and exercise to more alternative forms of care such as acupunctureand chiropractic massage. If you’re interested in holistic care, please contact our Acworth holistic medicine clinic. Call 674-6311 or .
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What Is Massage Therapy
Some of the most common massage therapy practices are:
Swedish Massage is the most common form of massage therapy in the United States. It is a very relaxing form of massage that uses long, gentle kneading strokes to improve circulation and to reduce stress.
Deep Tissue Massage is directed at the deeper connective tissue in the body by using slower, harder strokes to release very tight or tense muscles, postural problems or recovery from injuries
Hot Stone Massage is a gentle form of massage that uses heated stones placed on the body to warm the body and loosen tight muscles. Hot Stone Massage is often used for muscle tension, back pain, stress-relief and insomnia.
Aromatherapy Massage uses the techniques of Swedish Massage combined with the principles of aromatherapy. Therapists use oils scented with concentrations of plant essences such as lavender to further promote relaxation.
Sports Massage is used for active, athletic people, particularly professional athletes. The focus is less on relaxation, and more on injury prevention and treatment, stretching and flexibility.
Principles of Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy Accelerates The Healing Process
Each massage therapy plan is tailored to meet the patients unique condition or injury. It can be coordinated with chiropractic care for the best results and faster healing. Techniques used at our Acworth massage therapy clinic may include stroking, tapping, kneading, vibration, friction, compression, rocking and different forms of pressure to the muscles and soft tissue. During a massage therapy session, some specific motions and vibrations can be applied with mechanical devices. Oil, lotions and powders are used to reduce friction.
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